DBL Dream Builders is constantly evolving. In order to excel in today’s fiercely competitive business environment it is important to be dynamic and have the capacity to change and pursue new business opportunities at the appropriate times. Since our beginning in 2009, we have retained and built upon our strengths in the business sectors that formed the foundation of the group – engineering and construction.
Thanks to a highly talented workforce and a professional approach to business, DBL has set a very high standard in the field of construction and engineering. We have a reputation of being the first at many things in our country, whether it is applying the latest technology, using environmentally safe construction materials or building something which has never been built before in Bangladesh.
DBL Dream Builders started its journey in port reconstruction, construction of essential factory buildings, the international airport, defence installations and notable high-rise structures to name a few. We have also diversified into new fields such as real estate development, the manufacture of construction materials, tourism and hospitality (theme parks and resort hotels), readymade garments and the development of much needed “affordable housing”.
Maintaining trust is more important than ever in today’s business environment. Wherever we operate, we strive to conduct our business in a manner that reflects DBL commitment to high ethical standards, institutional integrity and sound corporate governance. DBL Dream Builders commitment to business ethics has earned us enormous goodwill – a strong foundation on which DBL hopes to grow further by continuing to create high quality products and services for our customers.
In the coming years, I hope to see DBL scale greater heights by setting new goals and working hard to achieve them. Our commitment is to improve the quality of life of the people of Bangladesh through professional excellence in our field.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our management and staff around the country. Their efforts have helped us build DBL into what it is today. Finally, thanks to Almighty Allah for his blessing and guidance and for making our vision a reality.